
In recent years, the web design and SEO industry has extremely grown. As a result of that there are numerous of SEO and web design companies just started their business.

\"\"They mostly offer a lower price than older SEO companies. It makes the digital marketing environment more competitive, but it is meaningful for starting out. On the other side, the problem is this kind of web design and SEO companies take their attention for only cutting the cost of their services. But if your company wants to set up a long term goal in order to increase its brand value, you need to build a strong presence while creating your website. In order to do that, you should find a trustworthy, recommended and certified SEO company. Otherwise even you find a new company which offers you a lower cost, you waste your money and can fail in a long run. In order to avoid this kind of issue, you should be careful about following promises:

Instant Results

Even the best SEO usually takes months to get a good ranking, so there is almost no way to get instant results. And your aim should not be getting results in the short term. If you try to generate immediate results, you will most probably fail. Because the techniques you use to get quick results can be penalized by Google and you can lose rankings which takes longer time to recover.

#1 on Google\"\"

If SEO company promises you to get number 1 on Google, it is not certain. And even you achieve that, because of the fast changing environment, it is very hard to stay on Google’s search results.


Because of the constant state of change of the industry, SEO companies cannot be 100% sure that your website will be among the first few listings on the first page on Google search.

\"\"Link building services

Link building is a very significant part of SEO. In order to get your website to the top of Google search, you should have inbound links. If you want to have qualified traffic to your website, you need to be sure that while link building process, SEO company uses a white label and ethical services.

Here are some promises that you should be suspicious of:

You need some time for SEO

SEO process takes long time, so instead just doing instant and aggressive campaigns, you need to choose more enduring methods as a part of a long-term success of your business.

Your rankings are not stable

Because of the highly competitive online environment, it is extremely challenging to stay at the  

top. While the algorithms changing, the number of competitors will also change continuously.

SEO services are different

You cannot choose an SEO company by only looking at their price. You should find the best fit for your company that will be a good match for your business. Each SEO company has a different structure with their diversified services.

SOE is critical

Even you have a perfect website, you should drive traffic to your website in order to increase your conversion rate. Yes, you need to invest money in that, but it is a crucial part of this process.


The best way is hiring an SEO company

Even you think that you can do SEO on your own, you will need professionals that have the skill and savvy. It does not as easy as it looks. It takes long time. So the best thing is hiring an SEO company while you are doing your own business. Hiring an SEO team will provide you higher ROI for your website.