
Artificial Intelligence has been shaping the Internet for years now, allowing computers to run complicated programs and search through data, display it, and report analytics about it. Here are some ways in the past year it’s been shaping the future of SEO:

  • SEO is getting smarter by learning from each iteration, meaning it is now harder for companies to put out content that is not relevant to their users and trick users in order to be at the top of the results page.
  • The content on the page can now be automated, with companies choosing what order to have a particular user view their content. This creates new marketing and targeting opportunities.
  • AI allows companies to display ads to their webpages, getting paid without having to charge the user anything. This allows companies to achieve greater revenue than just the site alone.
  • Different versions of a landing page can now be viewed with different headlines. This can be helpful to see which version is converting better
  • AI can create quizzes that pop up on your website so the user can tell you more about them