Find The Right Clients

Finding SEO clients is obtained easily when you have the right target audience and offer the correct advice. The world of business is large and ever growing, so different businesses offer different services, and different businesses are looking for different services. No one wants to be bothered by a company that is offering something they aren\’t looking for, so why waste yours or anyone\’s time, right? Following this advice can help you find the right target audience and turn them into clients.

First, you\’ll have to go after your target audience if they aren\’t coming to you. If your advertisements aren\’t working or you\’re not ranking high on an organic search, find potential clients. Make a list of SEO related keywords, both generic and specific phrases, that you specialize in. Using specific and generic keywords will lead you to clients in need of the help that you offer.

In your search for your target customers:

  1. Determine the standard of the search
  2. Find people in need of SEO help
  3. Reach out to them with the help you offer.

You can find clients on business related websites, in forums and question blogs spots. Some websites include LinkedIN Pulse Posts, DigitalPoint Forums, MOZ, SearchEngineLand, just to name a few out of many. Through these websites, you can find comments/questions that you can answer and build a client base.

A fast way to sift through these sites is to follow this step: use with your keyword in the search engine to locate the questions/comments related to your service. It will look like this: \”your keyword\”

So, for example, type in \”best seo companies\” and see the plethora of questions/comments/posts related to SEO. Again, place your key word in quotations and that will maximize your search to relations of your service. Use the \”tools\” button on the search page to filter out webpages for your recency desires.

For questions and comments that have not been posted, but you feel are important, write blog posts or web content that would answer such questions. If you\’re asking it, someone else is thinking it!

At this point you should be able to find the right target audience, even if you\’ve had to filter out some other potential audiences.

Before You Pitch Your Service:

Now that you found some potential clients, you have to build rapport and trust before trying to sell your product. Give free advice such as helpful keywords, or letting them know which keywords don\’t work. When answering a prospects question give them keywords or a free audit without them even asking. Run their site through an SEO auditor and send them the results. Audits help analyze the right target audience, and also helps the client become aware of the problems of their site that they don\’t already know. Upon their excitement, you can pitch your service after revealing to them their problems and of any consequences. Make a video or eBook with helpful hints, tips, and suggestions. This could be as simple as a DIY, advice on a business strategy, or just about your business or service. Remember that it should NOT be a sales pitch until they realize they need your help.

Be Ready:

Stay available and be reliable to help these clients. This will get you ranked higher in search engines, grow your customer and client base, and give your business an outstanding name. Although this advice is time consuming, the results are well worth it. We all know how long it took Rome to be built, so why not give your business the time to grow. Dedicate time and effort into optimizing your organic search, finding the right target audience, and giving them what they ask for, without having them ask. Following this advice will bring your more clients that allows your business to grow and excel.

For more questions and information about SEO and getting SEO clients, contact us at GetMeSEO by calling 646-450-2431. We look forward to helping you grow your business!