
In many cases, business owners are often unaware of terms such as SEO when you are cold calling in hopes of acquiring them as a client; this just leads to getting the phone hung up in your face.

This is where we come in. At Get Me SEO, we do the hard work for you. We have already done the research on these companies and checked out their website on Google to see what keywords they are ranking for. This takes the guessing game out, and eliminates the cold calling in search for potential clients, that may be wasting your precious time.

While it is true that many businesses (and people, in general) don\’t like unwanted communication, we have already communicated with these companies to know they are searching for the right agency to help grow their business. Therefore, they will be looking out for you!


What sets us apart from other SEO lead agencies is that we do not share leads with other companies; our leads are always exclusively sold, which means you will never have to worry about another competitor calling your potential client. After all, exclusive leads convert 75% better than shared leads, based on industry tests.