New Website? No problem!

Having a search engine optimized website could be the difference from getting the traffic you want or staying invisible. SEO traffic takes up 70% of a company’s overall traffic, so it needs to be taken very seriously. This means a strong SEO foundation needs to be...

The death of an SEO salesman

I will start this by saying that I love this industry. I get to meet a lot of characters from all over the world, both good and bad, local and online. I met this character James Wabel online after he purchased some SEO leads about 2 years ago to this day. James wanted...

Converting SEO Leads Into Clients

In many cases, business owners are often unaware of terms such as SEO when you are cold calling in hopes of acquiring them as a client; this just leads to getting the phone hung up in your face. This is where we come in. At Get Me SEO, we do the hard work for you. We...

How to Generate Free SEO Leads

Wondering How To Turn Prospects into Clients? So, you\’re at the point of your career when your meeting and receiving many *potential* clients. Your verbal skills have gotten better, your communication and language is on point, and now you have clients...